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Let Freedom (and the AC) Reign  Sep 14, 21:00

You may recall our Cool People post on Bruno Trouble some weeks back when he authored a nice guest editorial in Scuttlebutt called "We Love the Cup." Bruno was responding to contrary-minded articles written by two old friends, Herb McCormick and Angus Phillips, in the USA's venerable Cruising World magazine and the Washington Post newspaper, respectively.

For the sake of blog-linking fairness, their grumpy (Bruno's word) articles can be found here and here.

There is little secret that Dicko and I, among many others, side squarely with Bruno in supporting (and working damn hard to make happen) Ernesto and Larry's vision to modernize the Cup.

So today we were pleased to see some very positive commentary regarding the 32nd AC on the sometimes controversial but often prescient Sailing Anarchy website. Click here and then scroll down a story or two to read SA's pithy post entitled, hilariously, "Crusty Old Barnacles."

While I would not go so far as to call Herb and Angus "crusty old barnacles" -- LOL, crusty maybe -- Sailing Anarchy makes a good point when they say that their downbeat pieces are unwittingly stirring more interest and awareness in the 32nd Cup, and therefore actually helping the Cup. Not that that will give much comfort to Herb and Angus!

You be the judge. Are "Herbacious and Anguish" right on? Or are they "nattering nabobs of negativism" (to steal a famous turn of phrase from a former USA Vice President)? Somewhere in between? If you are so inclined, please post a comment below.

Regardless, let freedom reign, especially freedom of the press.
