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Server Swap  Feb 13, 16:20

housekeepingFirst, there is a nice photo-story about of USA 61, which is now on display here in Valencia outside our Team Base, over on the Valencia Sailing site. As always, our thanks to VS editor Pierre Orphanidis for his continuing good efforts to promote all the teams involved in AC 32, including ours.

Second, am pleased to report that our web guru in Munich, Roland Neubauer (which, in German, appropriately enough means "new builder") is working with our webhost Knallgrau to build a few new features into our Blogsite -- including a fix for the comment spamming, so that comments soon can be turned back on.

Finally, this afternoon Roland tells me that, over the next couple days, the BOB is migrating to a new server. During this period we will suffer the blogger's syndrome known, not so politely, as postus-interruptus. Please pardon our virtual dust; we should be fully back on the air and posting again by Friday. Thanks for your patience.

Until Friday: postus-interruptus.