
zur Navigation

COOL PEOPLE  Aug 31, 12:19

Keeping the comms gear and other electronics functioning on the yachts, support boats and on shore are our team "electrons" Rodney Ernst (USA) and Matthew "Mugs" Ulvr-Green (AUS). Both are popular members of our team, in part because they are upbeat, hard-working guys, and in part because almost all of us directly rely on them to able to perform our individual jobs. They work closely with our IT manager, Brian "Toaster" von Oven, who literally keeps the entire organization wired together.

Modern-day Cup teams are 24/7, global, and, in some ways, "virtual" operations that simply would not function without them. It seems like only yesterday when, in 1985, our team (NYYC's America II Challenge) began using fax machines for comms between our offices in Fremantle, Western Australia, in Newport, RI and in New York. As big a step forward as that was at the time, little could we imagine how AC teams would be operating today, and the technology that would be employed by Rodney, Mugs, Brian and the rest of us 20 year later.

rodney sm
Rodney "Electron" Ernst working in his container-office in Malmoe