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A.K.A. COOL PEOPLE  Aug 24, 14:30

Boat builders are sometimes called "carbonologists." Tim Hacket calls them "abrasive technicians," -- because they do so much sanding?

Rumour has it that when David "Duffy" Duff (NZL), our chief sailmaker, and his colleagues are trying to, uh, make an impression (both are partnered, so we are definitely not talking "sorts, tarts, birds, or chicks" here), they call themselves a "soft-foil engineer" -- not be confused, I would hope, with "soft foil-engineer".

Dave Little (NZL), a.k.a. "Little Dave", and Big Dave "Duffy" Duff (background)
checking over a mainsail in the makeshift sail loft at the back of our base in
the Malmoe paddock this afternoon.

Duffy, a true gentleman, and our highly regarded head sailmaker.