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TOURISM BOOST  Aug 22, 09:56

Another piece of "know your partners" good news, even though Valencia is technically not a "partner"....

The following story comes as no real surprise, at least not the figures. Our team partners contributed to this boomlet, as they brought some 1000+ people to VLC for Acts 4 and 5 -- almost certainly the largest number of VIP guests entertained by any team. From today's Valencia Life newsletter (

Although the next stage of the Americas Cup regattas is set to take place in Malmo later this week, the Consellera for Tourism, Milagrosa Martinez, yesterday revealed some figures concerning tourism for the visitors who came to Valencia to see the Americas Cup regattas last June. According to the latest figures over a quarter of the people who came to Valencia for the regattas stayed in luxury hotels and all in all the visitors spent around twenty million Euros. Mrs. Martinez added that these new tourists who visited the City have now opened it up to a market where visitors spend more than the average tourist, and interest has been shown in both the City of Valencia and the Valencian Community as a whole by a new sector of the international tourist market. The study also pointed out that 50% of the visitors for the June regattas were from Spain (18% from Catalunia, 17% from Madrid and 22% from the Valencian Community), whilst some 16,000 foreign visitors were in the City (from Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland and France for the most part). In addition, these visitors stated that they valued the comfort and politeness of the Valencians very highly during their visit, registering a satisfaction ratio of 8.15 (out of 10), whilst 82% visited restaurants that featured Valencian cuisine, and 95% stated that they had no trouble at all finding out about Valencia.

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