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GBR in for AC 33  Jan 4, 12:52

BMW ORACLE Racing has a number of team members from the UK, to say nothing many fans and friends there. We were delighted, therefore, to hear the news today about the newly announced ORIGIN Challenge from GBR for the next America's Cup.

Not only is the UK one of the best sailing nations, at least in terms of Olympic and Offshore racing, the economy is of course among one of the world's largest. At least of the Anglo countries, the British media is probably the most sailing- and Cup-savvy of any. And it's where the Cup all started back in 1851 -- hence, we hear, one of the reasons the name ORIGIN was chosen for their new team. Aside from the USA, historically GBR has played a larger and longer role in the Cup than any other nation.

All good reasons to welcome Sir Keith & Co into the AC 33 fold.

Check the posts about all that on the Challenger Commission site, or click here for their new team website.
