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Next Up: GSGP  Jul 24, 11:54

gsgp_headBright and early tomorrow (Tuesday) morning our advance party led by Scotty Sandford (NZL, shore team) and including Capt. Craig Christensen (NZL, support boat mgr), Rodney Daniel (AUS, sailing team) and Tony Kolb (GER, sailing team) leave for Kiel. Following later in the week and early next will be other members of the sailing, support and marketing teams, who likewise will fly the by now familiar Spanair leg to Munich. Then, following a brief layover at MUC's comfortable, new airport you take one of the many daily LH flights up to Hamburg and drive the hour or so north on Germany's A7 autobahn to Kiel.

Grass will not be growing on the stones -- or boats -- remaining at our team base in VLC. While some of us are shuttling off to Kiel, the rest are engaged in the two-boating that continues with 76 and 87. Talk about a three-ring circus: it's 71 that has been shipped to Kiel for the upcoming German Sailing Grand Prix.

Speaking of which, the GSGP website is now up for those of you who read German, or (like some of us) aspire to.

As anyone who has raced at Kiel in the summer can tell you,
it can be hot like Valencia (humid or dry), or it can be cold
and rainy, or anywhere in between. So, as always, we defer
to our team met-man, Chris Bedford. CB says the average
max is 21C, min 13 -- a bit cooler than VLC! Click for the
current 10-day forecast for Kiel, courtesy of

Recent GSGP planning meeting at our Base -- from left (all from GER):
UITG's Eva Heil and team CEO Michael Scheeren, Benedict Horber who is
project managing the GSGP for our marketing team, Shosholoza's marketing
mgr Lars Boecking, and BMWOR marketing head Mirko "Herr Direktor"