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Helps to Have Good BMW Connections  Jul 19, 16:28

belgium-20flagThe Belgian National Girls Under-16 Hockey team played in the European Championship here in VLC last week. The parents of one of the girls, Mr Marc DeGroof, is a regional manager for BMW Group Belux. Marc arranged for the team to visit our Base after the tournament was over ("no, unfortunately we did not win but they played well").

Reached by phone back in BEL today he said, "The girls especially enjoyed the public interactive area [our ground floor "BMW ORACLE Racing Experience"] where they could learn about the Cup and test their strength and balance. I would like to thank you for the warm welcome you gave to the girls and their parents."

Making the best of good BMW connections while in Valencia last week: a
team photo of the nicely turned-out Belgian National Girls U16 Hockey
Team on our deck at the Team Base overlooking the Port America's Cup.