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Tragedy Comes to VLC  Jul 4, 08:30

Yesterday most of us got the shocking news of the subway accident here in VLC from a team text advising us of the tragedy. (Our team uses SMS -- mobile phone texting -- to keep us wired together on daily schedules and important developments.)

Some of us heard about it first from concerned family and friends calling from around the world -- news of the tragedy had spread rapidly and globally via CNN, BBC, etc.

As far as we know this morning, no one directly involved in the America's Cup (let alone our team) was among those who were injured or died.

The government has decreed three days of mourning for the victims that will start today, with a five minute silence in front of local institutions. Funeral services for the victims will take place early this evening with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia expected to be present. An extensive enquiry is currently under way to determine the causes of the accident. Thus far it would appear that excessive speed that caused one of the wheels to come off the lead carriage were the main reasons for the tragedy -- not terrorism as many initially feared.

Flags at the team bases were lowered to half mast yesterday afternoon, and last night's big ACM party was cancelled out of respect for those who lost their lives and their grieving families.

We share their grief and offer our heartfelt condolences to those who lost a loved-one yesterday. At least for another year, this is our hometown, too. Monday's shocking event is yet another reminder of our fragile existence here and everywhere.

As Larry Ellison has said, the only true miracle is life itself.