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Nice Ink: Bowman Brad Webb  May 22, 20:06

There is a nice interview with sailing team member Brad Webb (NZL) up on the ACM website, covering life at the pointy end of the boat -- especially sharp in the case of BMW ORACLE's bow-spritted USA-87....

It is a radically different boat to others in the America’s Cup fleet, not least because the mast is positioned around 2 metres further forward and also with that distinctive bowsprit poking out the front.

All these changes, plus the ability of the boat to turn so quickly, have a big effect on Brad Webb’s precarious job up on the bow. “You have to cope with very rapid movements up there,” says Webb, who admits that things weren’t exactly running to plan at the moment that picture was taken. “You can see my feet are hooked around the bobstay, and I’m just trying to think of how the boat is going to move and I’m looking for that next handheld. I hope you won’t see me repeating that move!”

Full interview

Er, caption contest anyone? (Karen Webb not eligible.) Photo: Carlo
Borlenghi, ACM.