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Nice Pics  Mar 29, 22:17

Just to say that the nice pic of New Zealand Challenge (NZL 20, a.k.a. the "Red Rocket" twin-keeler) in the post "What Goes Around Comes Around" from a few days ago (scroll down) has, we see, been linked and otherwise referred to by any number of websites. The photo credit belongs to "Editor Robert" of the excellent CupInfo website and was used with their kind permission. One hears he took the photo in Auckland back in 2003 on the day Robert sailed aboard NZL 20 with the OLN TV crew. Thanks again, Robert.

While we are at it, we also want to thank Valencia Sailing for the continuing good coverage of not only of our team and our new USA 87, but of all the teams and Cup activity in general and especially around Valencia. Much appreciated, Pierre.

While we are on the subject of photos, we have received a number of emails today asking what teams can and cannot do, under the Cup rules, to "recon" the other teams' boats and training sessions. This I promise will be the subject of a future post sooner than later, but suffice to say that underwater photos are at all times strictly prohibited. Specifically, section 11.2 (e) of the Protocol states that "the use of divers, submarines or other means to observe or record another Competitor’s yacht below or from below the surface of the water" is prohibited.
