
zur Navigation

COOL PEOPLE  Oct 19, 16:20

Our "Port Office", near the Darsena, is where the Marketing, Design, and Business departments are headquartered until the new base is complete. With the RCNV base all but dismantled, and the new Base not quite ready, the Port Office is busier than ever.

We could not run the campaign, let alone have a shot at winning, without the people pictured below. They go about their important jobs quietly and largely behind the scenes (and "Acts" for that matter), but are just as professional in their approach, and intense in their focus, as our sailing team. Cool people all.

Lunch at the Port Office: Clockwise from left, Rodrigo Azcueta
(ARG), Frank Albina (FRA), and Asim Khan (PAK) of the design team;
Diana Puketapu (NZL), business department; Joseph Ozanne (FRA)
and Juan Kouyoumdjian (ARG), design team; Gillian Williams (NZL),
business department.